I’m Lori Paximadis, the ringleader here at Systems & Shortcuts.
More than half of my 30+-year career in publishing has been spent as a self-employed independent contractor, and for 15 years or so I also made and sold beaded and sterling silver jewelry. (Classic multipotentialites, raise your hands! 👋🏻)
My publishing services business, Pax Studio, is thriving. My jewelry business, Alchemary, is nestled snugly into a cocoon, awaiting its reemergence as a showcase for a new creative endeavor. My experience with different types of businesses helps me think outside of the box.
I thrive on helping other people figure out how to take care of the business end of their business by using systems & shortcuts so they can spend more time actually doing the thing that makes them money.
Over the years I’ve given numerous well-received presentations on topics related to running a solo business for groups such as ACES: The Society for Editors, the Editorial Freelancers Association (and several local chapters thereof), the Chartered Institute of Editing and Proofreading, Cleveland Handmade, the Cuyahoga County Public Library, and more. These presentations pointed out a real need for the kind of information I was sharing, and hence the idea for Systems & Shortcuts was planted.
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